Ti-Chung Lee @ NSYSU

Ti-Chung Lee
Department of Electrical Engineering

E-mail : tclee@mail.ee.nsysu.edu.tw
Tel : 886-7-525-2000 Ext.4199
Postal address:
Room EC7017-1
Department of Electrical Engineering,
National Sun Yat-Sen University
Lab Feature
The Nonlinear System and Signal Lab investigates the theory of nonlinear system and its applications. On the theoretical part, the stability analysis of complex systems is our main target (see Fig. 2). The scope includes the convergence analysis of switched, hybrid (seeFig. 1) and time delay systems, and the modeling of signal sets defined on time scales. Some obtained results have been applied to the stability analysis of inverter, the consensus control of multi-agent systems, and the tracking (and regulation) control of nonholonomic mechanical systems. The future research direction will focus on quantum control, artificial intelligence and big data, where control technique will play an important role.

Brief Bio
Professor T. C. Lee received an M.S. degree in mathematics and a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1990 and 1995, respectively. He was with the Minghsin University of Science and Technology at Hsinchu as an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, and since 2005 he has been a Professor. He was the dean of the college of engineering school from 2014 to 2017. From 2017, he became a Senior Member of IEEE. Since 2021, he jointed the Sun Yat-sen University as a Professor of Electrical Engineering. His main research interests are stability theory, artificial intelligence and quantum control.